Are you ready to play?
The Greatest Game of ALL.
What is The Greatest Game of ALL?
The Greatest Game of ALL is for those who seek not only to thrive and excel but also to experience profound happiness. While you may have heard that "happiness is an inside job," you might not have realized that having the right tools is essential for achieving what ALL actually want underneath. Without these tools, success alone can feel empty and lacks true value. Those who play the Greatest Game of ALL, gain the master keys for outer and inner success.
I am Ready!Are you a succesful, intelligent, motivated person, that... ?
- Still hasn't found what you're looking for.
- Is stressed out too much, too often.
- Has untapped potential you aren't "living up to."
- Has things that look good on paper but you aren't as healthy or happy as you "could", "should" or "ought" to be.
- Has lost your mojo.
- Is starting to think, "is this all there is?"
- Perhaps a mistake, midlife crisis, trauma, loss, a problem you just can't seem to solve despite your best efforts and intelligence?
But then again...
- You know better. There MUST be more ... to life.
- You're skeptical of new age, coaches, therapy, and religion.
- But still open-minded to holistic perspectives from out of the box, when combined with evidence-based stuff and explained with insight and clarity.
- Solving one problem just leads to another, until you find the Source
- You don't know how to have your cake and eat it, too... to be well and truly happy
Then you've come to the right place. But as much you might need to check us out, I need to make sure you are a good fit for our community. After all, Together we thrive. So if you want to know more...
Email Mike
By playing the Greatest Game of ALL:
You will explore, discover, learn, grow and create:

Radiant Health
By dialing in and UP each of the "Everythings" it's impossible not to feel a whole lot better.

Optimal Performance
You know your not getting the most out of your body, mind, and spirit. Why, then, do you think you "ought" to be happy?

Actual Happiness
You've heard that happiness is an inside job. Now you are finally going to know HOW to do it.

From assault victims to combat veterans, I've helped a lot of people out of the trenches. We got this.

Meaning, Purpose, Passion
What makes you feel most alive? Discover who you really are and why you are really here.

The Greatest Possible Benefits
When you put the ends up front and level up the bottom line, everything else benefits... self, others and ALL.
But most of all
You will feel free to be the greatest possible version of Who you are meant to be, and from that place you can create the future you value and choose. Not every acorn becomes an oak tree. But every oak tree produces thousands of acorns. With a practical path to unfold your greatest potentials, you automatically become the greatest benefit to yourself, others and ALL.

I am a 46-year-old civil rights attorney, husband, and father. In early 2022 I needed to make some serious changes in my health practices, mindset, and time management. I took Miek's class for three months. I can honestly say it has changed my life. I'm waking up thinking positive thoughts, drinking more water, eating healthier, exercising more, using my time more wisely, taking on stressful events with more joy and zeal, and forgiving myself when I make mistakes. The best part about his trainings are the simple brain and body hacks for self-improvement. Halfway through the first class, I learned tricks that helped me enjoy my day more, sleep better, and improve my overall health regime. I use them daily. Each session gives you more tricks and tactics, some easy, some not so easy, but all useful. By the end of his training(s)/session(s), you have a list of tools to improve your work life, your relationships, diet ... you name it. He covers the gambit and translates cutting-edge neuroscience into easy-to-follow day plans. He is also incredibly easy to talk to. A true straight shooter with a heart. He's accessible and friendly. I highly recommend Mike's group classes and private sessions for any busy professional trying to build optimal performance, improve overall happiness, and heighten spiritual awareness.
Spencer Young, Esq.

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