The Pathway

From Surviving to Thriving 



Walk this Way

Why just cope with suffering when you can end it?

Mental distress is the most poignant pandemic of our time. But with all the talk about "mental health," things aren't getting better. We offer unique solutions to the most common problems. The Pathway From Surviving to Thriving provides the essentials every human needs to know about their nervous system in order to thrive and heal. This is the handbook for how your brain and being actually work, so that you can feel better today, easily, without any gimmicks, in a way that is totally sustainable and makes perfect sense.

From Surviving to Thriving

-An Online Course-

Rise on the Ground Over Which You Once Stumbled

Are you

  • Glad there's more "talk" about "mental health" these days.
  • But noticing things aren't getting that much better,
  • They may even be getting worse.
  • Looking for a refreshing, solution-focused approach?
Walk this Way

And you

  • Are pretty stressed and wondering where your mojo went.
  • Have tried a bunch of stuff that worked for a while, but....
  • Need an approach that is both easier and practical,
  • So you can start feeling better today.
Walk this Way



In this Pathway, you will receive the exact content I share with my private 1-1 executive coaching and therapy clients.

I decided to make this content, which used to be exclusive and expensive, available and affordable, because we are all facing the most pressing pandemic of ALL: mental “health.”

I’ve shocked hundreds of therapy clients when I’ve told them, session 1, “My job is to work myself out of a job.” To which they undoubtedly reply, “I’ve never heard a therapist say that.” 

“The work works, if you work it,” I tell them. “I can give you the maps, tools, and instructions…  and you don’t need to do the stuff alone… but you do need to DO the stuff. You can’t wait until you ‘feel like it.’ If you are waiting until you feel like it, you will be waiting… FOREVER.”  

This Pathway provides the essentials every human needs to know about their nervous system in order to thrive and heal. This is the handbook for how your brain and being actually work, so you can know how to work it BETTER. 

So often feeling better is like playing a game of whackamole. We knock down one problem and another pops up. That's because we don't know what's in this Pathway.

Walk this Way

There are Pathways, but there is also a PATH, a way of stringing it ALL TOGETHER, that covers the healing of the past, enjoying the present, and creating the future. It is so much easier and so much more fun to do that within a community of people who are also healing and thriving... With practical tools you can access any time, at your own pace… inside a community of camaraderie, encouragement, and kindness, and with access to live, individualized support. 

Why the heck don’t we belong to gyms that help us cultivate the most important bottom-line experience of life: the ability to BE HAPPY!” ???


The Steps You Will Take On this Pathway...

From Surviving to Thriving Step 1: Information for Transformation

In this Step you will learn how suffering and dis-ease evolves, and how we can work to heal, restore, replenish, and thrive. This understanding ties together elements of my personal and professional experience ranging from two master's degrees in psychology; my own journey of overcoming severe depression and anxiety, healing from significant traumatic brain injuries; thousands of hours of clinical work with thousands of clients;  hordes of advanced studies, licensing, and certifications; decades of non-denominational spiritual work and development; and years of creating effective content to help my clients go from knowing… to doing… to becoming…. to BEING. Real Talk, Real Tools, Real Results. 

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From Surviving to Thriving Step 2: Misperception Spirals 

In this module you will learn how quickly and easily your survival mode can result in everything and anything spiraling out of control. In seemingly innocuous and blatantly obvious ways, our inborn, brain's "negativity bias" may have once helped us survive, but now it prevents us from thriving and may even be killing us. It certainly is wreaking havoc. Find out why and how this happens, so you can make it stop!

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From Surviving to Thriving Step 3: When Surviving Mode is ON

In the previous Step, you learned about just how fast and easy things in survival mode can spiral out of control in ways that are very understandable and justifiable. In this Step, we will talk very specifically about what often happens in our body-minds when the survival mode is activated and we will begin to touch upon how we can change this all for the better. You will learn a new, kinder and more effective way to understand what happens when you are upset with anger, fear, and numbness. And you will begin to see how upset is a habit and how you can make a new habit of something so much better.

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From Surviving to Thriving Step 4: Thriving Mode and "The Work" 

In the last Step, you learned about what can happen in the body-mind when the survival mode is active, and in this video, you are going to learn more about the thriving mode and the challenges and opportunities of thriving much more of the time. In thriving mode, our nervous system allows for and seeks that which we truly desire: healing, health, growth, restoration, rejuvenation, vitality, creativity, intelligence, joy, love, kindness, connection, and spirituality. We can deliberately activate a DEEP STATE of neurochemical safety, well beyond our intellectual grasp, that allows us to heal and thrive.

Walk this Way

From Surviving to Thriving Step 5, Zones of Growth and Opportunity

In the last video you learned more about the thriving mode, and the challenges and opportunities of doing “the work.” In this video you are going to learn about “the zones” of growth and opportunity and about stuff you can control and stuff you can’t. It may not seem as sexy as some of the shiny objects being paraded around town by self-help gurus and snake oil salesman. I suspect the directness, practicality and thoroughness about the way I present the work will be off putting to people looking to get rich quick. Life is growth. If we are not growing we’re dying. There is no neutral. And if we are not ENJOYING ourselves along the way, what’s the point?

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From Surviving to Thriving Step 6: Challenge Mindset, PTSD & PTG

In the last Step you learned about the Zones of Growth and how we are either growing healthier and happier or not so much... there is no neutral.  In this Step you will learn about the difference that makes the difference, and, whether or not you identify as having experienced "trauma", what we can take from the research on why people remain stuck and develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, vs. how people show signs of PTG: Post Traumatic Growth, following adversity. We can apply these same principles to any adversity, big or small, in order to not only get the most out of life, but to simply feel better about the way we walk in this world. Although we need not invite it, those of us in PTG know that trauma is often what ignites our passion to uplift not only ourselves, but others and ALL!

Walk this Way

From Surviving to Thriving Step 7: Creating a Challenge Mindset

In the last video, you learned about PTSD and PTG, Post Traumatic Growth, and the key difference between the two. You also learned that these insights, patterns, and perspectives are at play even if we don’t identify as being “traumatized” or meet the diagnostic criteria for “PTSD.” In fact, most people are approaching most of their lives in the survival mode.When was the last time you felt overwhelmed about doing the dishes, or being stuck in traffic? We also learned that we don’t need to WAIT for the signs and symptoms of Post Traumatic Growth to magically appear in our lives. We are either WAITING or CREATING. And, if we are waiting, we will be waiting… FOREVER. In this Step you will learn how to CREATE the difference that makes a difference, 

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From Surviving to Thriving Step 8: The Thriving Continuum

In the last Step you would learn about how to CREATE a challenge and opportunity mindset as the difference that makes a difference when you are facing life’s inevitable adversity. In this Step I will share the “Surviving to Thriving Continuum” so you can place yourself and pivot in the right direction, while understanding how to fill your tank with the fuel you need to thrive and heal. We RISE on the very ground over which we once STUMBLED, and what used to kill us becomes the very FUEL we need to burn brightly and live lives worth really LOVING!

Walk this Way

From Surviving to Thriving Step 9: Feel Better, Today, Easily

In Step 8 you would learn about the Surviving to Thriving Continuum so you could place yourself where you are and invoke the creative tension you need to get to where you want to be. In Step 9, I would like to share with you 3 open secrets that will turn any change-work you’ve ever tried on its head and give you the orientation par excellence for thriving and healing. You will learn about belief, perception, and experience and how what we think is the "truth" is often more malleable and we can use this TRUTH to our advantage. This lesson unveils a unique way of orienting to life that is BOTH kind and effective.

Walk this Way

From Surviving to Thriving Step 10: Stories and Invitations

In Step 9 you would learn the 3 Open Secrets that give you the heart and mindset you need to actually thrive and heal - to make everything else you've valiantly tried over the years actually WORK. In this concluding Step, I will share some personal stories of thriving and healing, tying together the maps, tools, and instructions you have received so far, as well as you introducing you to a ridiculously affordable way to continue thriving in the ATA community. We can't get around this: we are wired to benefit from making a positive difference. And the very best we can do for ourselves, is what is best for others and ALL. After all, Together We Thrive. 

Walk this Way

The ATA Community training ground. 

We provide free and/or low-cost, high-quality, maps, tools, and instructions for cultivating what matters most. Mental health matters most. It is the filter through which we experience, literally, everything. And I’m not just talking about “those people” with “diagnoses”, the “others” we judge, or the ways in which think, “That doesn’t apply to me.” I’m talking about each and every one of us. Most people are living in a state of survival, most of the time. Very few are truly thriving. This makes me wonder. And honestly want to revolt! I believe in the activism of JOY and LOVE. Here at ATA we are part of the solution. We are a community of people who are committed to doing “the work.” We are creators, not waiters. We do the work, cultivating the skill of being “happy”, together, in an environment of camaraderie, encouragement, and kindness. Join us! Together We Thrive. 

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"This is empowering, especially for veterans. This has given me not only tools, but with the guidance and major cheering from Michael Boyle's unique and empathetic approach, this has truly helped me & given me hope for not just living, but for thriving. I highly recommend taking one of Mike's programs."

Michael T. Zitkovich

USAF Veteran

"I took Mike's class and I can honestly say it has substantially improved my life in all arenas, personal and professional. I'm waking up thinking positive thoughts, drinking more water, eating healthier, exercising more, using my time more wisely, taking on stressful events with more joy and zeal, and forgiving myself when I make mistakes."

Spencer Young, Esq.

Father, Husband, Attorney

"Michael, the gift you are offering is indicative of the human you are. Your intentions are pure and come from a deep understanding of how we are in charge of our thoughts, feelings, and reactions to the world around us. This is unique and game-changing. You proved to embrace what Psychology has long lost - humanity."

Patt Hall

Community Advocate, Store Manager

"Stuff just started clicking..challenge yourself to try. Using Mike's tools and methods vastly improved our relationship. The largest evidence is in our daughter, my relationship with her is different. And she is thriving. We both want nothing but the best for our daughter but despite that our energy sucked and hat effected her. And now that we are better, she is better."

Dora & Dwaine

Couple, Parents, Social Worker, Banker

See More Testimonials




You can feel better, today, easily.

  • Without any gimmicks
  • In way that is totally sustainable
  • And makes perfect sense

The ALL Together Academy is a Training Ground for ALL: Awareness Loving Life. We can do much more than talk about it. We rise on the ground over which we once stumbled, turning stops into steps, we choose to thrive even though, aside from and especially because, bad stuff happens.


"Happiness" is a skill. 

All skills can (and must) be cultivated (if we want to get good at them). 

  • We can get better at the art and science of LIVING a LIFE WELL LOVED.
  • What if your lack of happiness thus far is not for the reasons you think?
  • What if all the "reasons" are secondary effects, instead of primary causes?

By working with primary causes, we get you to where you want to be as quickly and easily as possible, avoiding wasted time and unnecessary additional suffering. The reason/story comes AFTER the FACT of neurochemistry which can upgrade on purpose. Did you know that you can be JOYFUL for no APPARENT REASON?



the course creator

After bucking the system and leaving my graduate program to live in a mountain yoga retreat in Thailand for 7 years, I came back to realize my greatest gift would be to help people heal from the types of suffering I have been challenged to overcome: severe depression, crippling anxiety, off the charts adhd…. Trauma.

In addition to advanced studies in 
yoga, Ayurveda, and dharma psychology I earned Master's degrees in both transpersonal and clinical psychology and became a New Mexico Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.

Working in the trenches of community mental health, specializing in trauma, and rewiring my own brain has led me to become to be known for my motto: we can do much more than talk about it.

Most people think we need to heal in order to thrive but we really need to thrive in order to heal. My approach is a unique blending of therapist and coach, of power and gentleness, of sensitivity and humor.

Most of all, it works… if we work it.

I AM the founder of the ATA, applying an approach that covers all 3 essential aspects of human being: personal development through the Inner Advantage Method (I AM), Relational work through the Relating Renaissance (WE ARE), and Non-denominational spiritual for practical people through Energy of Mind (ALL IS).

But more than anything, I believe my work is most aptly characterized by Love and my deep belief that...

Together We Thrive. 

Frequently Asked Questions



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