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Mechanical Reactive Evolution Vs. Conscious Creative Evolution

May 27, 2024

Is your life more reactive or creative?

Most people have an unconscious, reactive identity - an ego (sense of self) formed as a reaction to everything that has ever happened to them.

We think "I am that", when really "that" is a generalized story of the reactions we've had to what's happened to us up until now. We identify with our careers, "I am a banker", our emotions, "I am anxious", our roles, "I am a dad", and our wounds, "I am damaged". Whether historically accurate or not, some of these identities are useful in that they organize the way we perceive, experience, think, feel, and act in a manner that suits us, but more often than not most of these identities are crippling "self-fulfilling prophecies" at their worst. 

What most of us don't realize is that all these identities are malleable and optional - for better and for worse.

In my upcoming book, we will discover (among many other practical tools for healing and thriving) exactly how to...

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