Mechanical Reactive Evolution Vs. Conscious Creative Evolution
May 27, 2024
Is your life more reactive or creative?
Most people have an unconscious, reactive identity - an ego (sense of self) formed as a reaction to everything that has ever happened to them.
We think "I am that", when really "that" is a generalized story of the reactions we've had to what's happened to us up until now. We identify with our careers, "I am a banker", our emotions, "I am anxious", our roles, "I am a dad", and our wounds, "I am damaged". Whether historically accurate or not, some of these identities are useful in that they organize the way we perceive, experience, think, feel, and act in a manner that suits us, but more often than not most of these identities are crippling "self-fulfilling prophecies" at their worst.
What most of us don't realize is that all these identities are malleable and optional - for better and for worse.
In my upcoming book, we will discover (among many other practical tools for healing and thriving) exactly how to...

Is your life more reactive or creative?
Most people have an unconscious, reactive identity - an ego (sense of self) formed as a reaction to everything that has ever happened to them.
We think "I am that", when really "that" is a generalized story of the reactions we've had to what's happened to us up until now. We identify with our careers, "I am a banker", our emotions, "I am anxious", our roles, "I am a dad", and our wounds, "I am damaged". Whether historically accurate or not, some of these identities are useful in that they organize the way we perceive, experience, think, feel, and act in a manner that suits us, but more often than not most of these identities are crippling "self-fulfilling prophecies" at their worst.
What most of us don't realize is that all these identities are malleable and optional - for better and for worse.
In my upcoming book, we will discover (among many other practical tools for healing and thriving) exactly how to construct a useful, beneficial, Conscious, "Creative I AM". An Aware-Will that is uniquely tailored to organize our perception, experience, thoughts, feelings, and actions around our adult values and choices, free from subversive conditioning from our past, our parents, the government, advertising, the Joneses, trauma, etc.
Identities formed as re-actions are an aspect of our mechanical evolution and give rise to the "same old-same old" sense we get about the monotony of our day-to-day lives. Plants and animals are also "mechanical" in their evolutionary adaptations in that they are entirely dependent on the outer environment and what happens to them - if that changes enough so too will their entire species either change or go extinct. We also have an animal aspect that evolves this way. Many of our personalities, which filter and drive the way we experience the world, are largely dictated by what happens to us more than by our values and choices.
However, human beings also have the capacity for Conscious Evolution that most people don’t ever tap into because we are too busy reacting to what life throws at us, we don't notice that we can, or learn how to consciously evolve. Mechanical evolution is by definition unconscious and re-active. But conscious evolution can only be the result of conscious, creative acts, as in: performed on purpose, in a deliberate way, set aside for that particular end: Conscious Evolution.
When we understand all the layers of implications - Body, Mind, and Spirit - this difference between re-active and Creative, between mechanical and conscious evolution - amounts to ALL the difference between a life characterized more by distress and upset, versus one characterized by Joy, Openness, Love, Kindness, Awareness, Gratitude, Presence and Surrender (“The JOLKA-GPS”).
As we will go into in much more detail in the book, The 33-day Power Play, the Future-Now Mastermind, and future premium blog content, the mechanically reactive sense of self is tied into the default mode network of our brain. As such, its main priority - from an evolutionary perspective - is survival. While this survival priority has many adaptive advantages, it can be quite problematic from a quality of life standpoint because when we are living our life mechanically and reactively our free will is coopted and dictated by the brain's "negativity bias."
The default mode negativity bias we are all born with compels us to perceive, experience, think, feel, and act under the assumption of threat - it is better to assume the stick is a snake than the snake is a stick. This "primes" our brain to filter life through the distressing emotions associated with fight (anger, frustration, impatience, criticism, control), flight (fear, anxiety, worry, insecurity, doubt), and freeze (apathy, helplessness, hopelessness, numbness, depression). In ways I can't explain further in this piece, I contend that the "cultural trance" of the default mode negativity bias is the basis of all human suffering, violence, and disease.
Plus, when you think about it, if our very sense of who we are is defined by our reactions to what has happened to us, then we by definition are “victims of circumstance.” If, instead however, aside from anything that has ever happened to us, we organize ourselves around a conglomerate of values that we prioritize, we are “FREE” to think, feel, act, and experience as we CHOOSE instead of how we are compelled.

The Survival Mode being "on" too much, too often, for too long is the root of all suffering and disease.
Survival Mode is the "default" we are all born with, but we can upgrade to "Thriving Mode" if we know how.
Take the Surviving to Thriving Online CourseIn all the world's great philosophies and spiritual traditions - setting aside the non-sense of “religious” b.s - the difference between being unconscious, reactive, “victims” of circumstance to being conscious, creative, “masters” of circumstances is the difference that makes ALL the difference. To be conscious and creative instead of unconscious and reactive is the cornerstone of psycho-spiritual freedom and entry onto the path of ultimate relief from suffering, the discovery Joy for no reason, and the springboard of an authentic contribution to the greatest good that is BOTH successful and satisfying.
When we are stuck in our re-active sense of selves, not only do the outer conditions and our past drive the ship of who we think we are, but we are also DEPENDENT on the outer world to “make us” feel “happy” or “whole.” Essentially, with a limited, reactive sense of self, we are in a co-dependent relationship with life in general, pursuing things without knowing that underneath we are secretly thinking, "Finally, this will complete me." Most of us know from direct experience that as many times as we think “This will be the relationship, or the car, or the achievement, or the pat on the back, or the amount of money that will finally ‘make us’ happy,” we find that even when we get these things we continue to SUFFER.
Why? One, because the Joy and Love we seek are not objects or things that can get "got". Joy and Love are States of Being, not things we can get or consume, but instead are WHO WE ARE. Mesmerized, busied, and distressed by the constant pursuit of consuming the next nugget we think will make us happy, we lose sight of our essence nature, which is joyful and loving for no reason, regardless of conditions.
In plain terms, nothing will ever “make you” happy until YOU make YOU happy by discovering you ARE happy. When you discover who you really are, your Creative I AM, you can accomplish anything else you value and choose and when you do, you will be satisfied with what you accomplish because you are ALREADY satisfied. Until then, anything you “accomplish” will still feel empty of true value.
The Buddha, a veritable Master of The Greatest Game of ALL, said, “You are either an ‘insider’ or an ‘outsider’”. Buddha’s words have been screwed up by religious folks almost as much as Jesus’ message has been desecrated by “Christians.” Buddha did not mean, you are either “in the club” of Buddism, or out of the club, and therefore good vs bad, better vs worse. He meant, that you are either coming from the INSIDE as a FREE person with a Creative, Awakened, Deliberate approach to life, or all of your thoughts, emotions, sensations, actions, and experiences are dictated by a reaction to whatever life has thrown at you. He meant you are either reactive or creative, evolving mechanically, or actively participating in your Conscious Evolution.

The Creative IAM and the Neurological Roadmap to the Future We Value and Choose
Until we know Who We Are and What We Are here for, everything and anything will fall short, and like most co-dependent relationships we will be on a path divorced from Life.
This means, we not only need to do the work to Create our Chosen, Value-based sense of self (C-IAM) but we also need to do the work to think, feel, act, and experience what we value and choose by following our Neurological Roadmap to the Future (NRF).
Simultaneously - as we go from thinking, to feeling, to doing, to becoming, to being our C-IAM, traveling on our NRF - we also need to “prune”, de-condition, or de-program our reactive habits and patterns that have formed who we WERE, based on everything that was. I call this the Reactive-IWAS, R-IWAS. Progress, therefore, in the Greatest Game of ALL is both a process of CREATION and DISSOLUTION that needs to be performed DELIBERATELY, methodically, and skillfully by following specific maps, tools, and instructions for how to do so as efficiently as possible.
This doesn’t mean you need to grow a beard, become a Buddhist, or move to the mountains unless that is a unique expression of Who and What YOU are. No, you can be the butcher, the baker, or the candlestick maker as long as you are COMING from Who You Are and expressing What You Are as Values and FREE Choices.
And, clearly, you are also free to keep on wailing and gnashing your teeth. Reactive suffering is the easiest, hardest "choice" you can ever make.
The Greatest Possible Beneficial Presence
On Oak Tree does not have to try to be beneficial in giving off acorns. A mature Oak Tree automatically gives off acorns, enough to populate an entire forest full of Oak Trees that could each populate an entire forest! The benefit is AUTOMATIC and INFINITE if you fully develop from acorn to Oak Tree.
But in The Greatest Game of ALL, not every kid gets a medal. Some acorns fall on cement and get run over by trucks. It is up to US to become The greatest gardner of our particular ACORN, which is, truly, and absolutely UNIQUE. By tending our garden and nurturing the development of our acorn, we become Oak Trees, which is not only inherently Joyful and Satisfying but also OPTIMALLY beneficial.
Because our Greatest Potential, Greatest Development, Greatest Life, and Greatest Possibilities are discovered in Consciousness, through Conscious means, as Conscious Beings, this unfoldment by definition can not happen UNconsciously, mechanically, re-actively, or automatically. It must be performed ON PURPOSE: Conscious Evolution.
We must WAKE UP and CHOOSE TO PLAY The Greatest Game of ALL.
Who’s ready?

Michael Boyle LMFT, CDBT
Speaker, Author, Therapist, Coach
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in New Mexico & Massachusetts
- Master's degrees in Clinical Counseling Psychology and Transpersonal Psychology
- Certified in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
- HeartMath Clinical Certification for Stress, Anxiety, and Emotional Regulation
- Trauma specialist trained in ACT, EMDR, somatic therapy, EFT, CBT, NLP, and Clinical Hypnosis
- Advanced studies in yoga, Ayurveda, breathwork, meditation, optimal performance, biohacking, and just about everything you can imagine about healing and thriving.
- Authorized to share the relevant work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Grace Essence Mandala.
- Founder of the ALL Together Academy, author of the Creative-IAM, Facilitator of "The Future Now" Mastermind, "The Relating Renaissance" and Energy of Mind: Secular Spiritual Work for Practical People.

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