anger anxiety depression fight flight freeze i am work premium survival mode thriving mode

The Origin of ALL Disease and Suffering

Sep 10, 2024

Most people spend the majority of their time in states of “survival” that, ironically, cost them their lives, or at least the quality of life that they want.

The nervous system has just 2 modes: surviving or thriving.

There is no neutral.

Our survival mode can be turned on for 2 different types of threats: actual or perceptual. Whenever our body perceives a threat, no matter if that threat is actual (a real snake) or perceptual (a branch that you misperceive as a snake), it turns on "survival mode."

In survival mode, we have three gears:

  1. Fight - which includes the related emotions of anger, frustration, impatience, criticism, and control.

  2. Flight - and the associated emotions of fear, anxiety, worry, doubt, insecurity, paranoia, etc.

  3. Freeze - hiding, or ‘playing dead’, numbing, checking out (dissociation), and the related emotions of “depression”, hopelessness, helplessness, apathy, and fatigue.

Each of...

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