"all is" work energy of mind: spiritual work for practical people fantasy work featured law of attraction loa

This is What's B.S. about the Law of Attraction

May 27, 2024

A major problem with the new-age version of the law of attraction (LOA) is that there is sooo much “me" in it.

"My truth, my experience, I created this, I created that."


Do you make your heartbeat? NO.

Can you influence it? YES. There is a HUGE difference.

And, don’t get me started on the jerks who shame people (and likely themselves) for “manifesting their cancer”, “trauma" or god forbid their "rape." 

There ARE forces that are WAAAAAAAY bigger than us. Many things our out of our control and not our "fault" (or credit). Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to people who don't seem to deserve it. We know a lot less than we think. 

The new age version of the law of attraction is actually a psychological defense mechanism attempting to cope with the reality that we really are NOT in control of A LOT.

Like whether we will wake up in the morning.

A little humility goes a long way. Knowing our ACTUAL role is both honest AND empowering.

It’s actually a huge relief. If you think you are lord and master of the Universe, it's a lot of pressure!

Heck, we can’t even control what we are going to eat today beyond what’s available in our kitchen, or a nearby restaurant if we are immensely privileged.

Some get closer to what's actually the case with the “co-creator” lingo. I can see that perspective. And, still, it can sound very ego-centric some of the time.

I realize the LOA counterfeit is a pendulum swing from religion and culture attempting to condition us into feeling like pieces of crap that need to be saved, i.e. controlled. It's important to claim "our sovereignty."

But it goes more like this:

Creation includes that I have the capacity... to increase my capacity through Conscious Evolution... to manage my attention and organize my body, mind, emotions, and actions in such a way that more grace, ease, serendipity, and wonder abound in my life...  and accordingly this increases my ability to benefit self, others and all, and experience what feels like grace and the miraculous.

For the miraculous, we need to look no further than our beating heart, our digested food, a healed cut, the rising sun, a drop of rain, the healing power of love, and that we can choose to smile.

We didn’t CREATE that.

These mechanisms come with the fortune of our LIFE, which we can’t account or take credit for. Life arises from the Unknown and despite those who think we “manifested our birth”, we had nothing to do with it.

Can you imagine the hubris of thinking we organized the ZILLIONS of co-factors that resulted in our conception, let alone our gestation, birth, and the family we were born into?

Most of us can’t even organize our to-do list for today.

There is a difference between creating the toy and being able to play with it. We are damn lucky that we get to PLAY with CREATION for our benefit, or not.

Because we are FREE to focus on what we value and choose. And what we focus on, grows. What we practice, we become. For better or worse. 

Practice makes progress in The Greatest Game of ALL.

Knowing our place, and our limits, keeps us from the counterfeit experience of divine ego, which blinds us from humbly recognizing that as 1 of the INFINITE expressions of THE DIVINE, we can harmonize with the ALL and live a miraculous life of joyful excellence by design that uplifts elevates, creates and celebrates life.

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The Survival Mode being "on" too much, too often, for too long is the root of all suffering and disease.

Survival Mode is the "default" we are all born with, but we can upgrade to "Thriving Mode" if we know how.

Take the Surviving to Thriving Online Course

Michael Boyle LMFT, CDBT

Speaker, Author, Therapist, Coach

  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in New Mexico & Massachusetts
  • Master's degrees in Clinical Counseling Psychology and Transpersonal Psychology
  • Certified in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
  • HeartMath Clinical Certification for Stress, Anxiety, and Emotional Regulation
  • Trauma specialist trained in ACT, EMDR, somatic therapy, EFT, CBT, NLP, and Clinical Hypnosis
  • Advanced studies in yoga, Ayurveda, breathwork, meditation, optimal performance, biohacking, and just about everything you can imagine about healing and thriving.
  • Authorized to share the relevant work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Grace Essence Mandala.
  • Founder of the ALL Together Academy, author of the Creative-IAM, Facilitator of "The Future Now" Mastermind, "The Relating Renaissance" and Energy of Mind: Secular Spiritual Work for Practical People.
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